
The MIMOLeverage action contract handle the super vault empty vault logic described in Leveraging.

Process Flow

Write Methods

executeAction(bytes calldata _calldata) external

Uses a flashloan to repay all debts for a vault and send all collateral in the vault to the owner.

Requirements :

  • Contract must be unpaused

  • Must be called through the MIMOProxy execute() function

  • Targeted vault must have been created by the MIMOProxy

executeOperation(address[] calldata assets, uint256[] calldata amounts, uint256[] calldata premiums, address initiator, bytes calldata params

AAVE Pool contract flash loan callback function.

Requirements :

  • Contract must be unpaused

  • Can only be called by the AAVE Pool contract

  • Flash loan initiator must be the MIMOProxy

leverageOperation(IERC20 token, uint256 swapAmount, uint256 flashLoanRepayAmount, SwapData calldata swapData)

Performs a leverage logic within MIMOProxy context.

Requirements :

  • Contract must be unpaused

  • Must be called through the MIMOProxy execute() function

View Methods


Returns the MIMOProxyFactory address.

Last updated