ME-14┃Compensation DAO signer (0xDDA8B734620108A8c22f3d7a03CB7Ffa5b868dd3)
ME-15┃Compensation DAO signer (0xD758e17c0d96a6C753995D86e891E07286858130)
ME-16┃Compensation DAO signer (0x35b3e718aAfd5F932450eeb8690D022a96AAd78a)
MP-13 | WMATIC Liquidation ratio from 200% to 145%
MP-14 | WMATIC Min collateral ratio 250% to 150%
MF-7 | WFTM Liquidation ratio from 200% to 190%
MF-8 | WFTM Min collateral ratio from 230% to 200%
MF-9 | WFTM Liquidation bonus from 5% to 10%
Last updated 1 year ago