ME-0┃onchain rejection for a tx
ME-1┃add ge.orgeous to the ethereum multisig and setup required signatures to 1/8
ME-2┃add !arjpet wallet recovery to the ethereum multisig
ME-3┃add Beud to the ethereum multsig
ME-4┃add Nejko to the ethereum multisig
ME-5┃change required signatures on the Ethereum Multisig to 5/8
MP-0┃Add ge.orgeous to the Polygon Multisig and reduce required signers to 1
MP-1┃add !arjpet wallet recovery to the polygon multisig
MP-2┃add Beud to the polygon multsig
MP-3┃add Nejko to the polygon multisig
MP-4┃change required signatures on the Polygon Multisig to 5/8
MF-0┃Add ge.orgeous to the Fantom Multisig and reduce required signers to 1
MF-1┃add !arjpet wallet recovery wallet recovery to the Fantom multisig
MF-2┃add Beud to the Fantom multsig
MF-3┃add Nejko to the Fantom multisig
MF-4 ┃change required signatures on the Fantom Multisig to 5/8
Last updated 1 year ago
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