Super Vault utilizes a proxy pattern to enable users to make proxy calls on behalf of other users and interact with various contracts (e.g., Parallel core protocol, DEX aggregators, flash loan protocols) within a single transaction. This pattern also allows for the integration with external contracts (e.g., lending pools and DEX aggregators) to carry out complex on-chain vault operations while still preserving proper access control to access VaultsCore.

While the design was largely inspired by the PRB Proxy pattern, there are some differences :

  • The MIMOProxy is completely stateless and only holds an immutable proxyFactory state variable. In contrast, the PRBProxy retains three non-immutable state variables (owner, minGasReserve, and permissions). As the MIMOProxy relies on delegate calls to execute actions through action contracts, retaining state variables within it increases the risk of storage collisions with target calls. As a result, the owner and minGas variables are maintained by the MIMOProxyFactory's _proxyStates mapping.

  • The management of MIMOProxy's permissions has been outsourced to the MIMOProxyGuard, which is deployed through the Openzeppelin Clones library in the MIMOProxyFactory for each MIMOProxy. This helps save gas on deployment and enables easy permission clearing in the event of a MIMOProxy ownership transfer.

  • The PRBProxyFactory uses the CREATE2 opcode to deploy proxies at deterministic addresses, whereas the MIMOProxyFactory does not. This decision was made to save gas and because there is no need to deploy proxies at deterministic addresses.

  • The MIMOProxy uses the BoringBatchable to carry out batch delegate calls to address(this). This is useful for linking calls to owner-protected functions such as setPermission() and execute() to minimize user transactions.

Users can create a proxy by calling deploy() on the MimoProxyFactory contract, which deploys both a new MIMOProxy and clones a MIMOProxyGuard.

Write Methods

execute(address target, bytes calldata data)

Delegate calls to the target contract by forwarding the call data. Returns the data it gets back, including when the contract call reverts with a reason or custom error.

Requirements :

  • The caller must be either an owner or an envoy

  • target must be a deployed contract

  • The owner cannot be changed during the DELEGATECALL

Call Params




The address of the target contract



Function selector plus ABI encoded data

Return Values




The response received from the target contract

View Methods


Returns the proxyFactory address.

Last updated