ME-17┃Compensation DAO signer (0xDDA8B734620108A8c22f3d7a03CB7Ffa5b868dd3)
ME-18┃Compensation DAO signer (0xD758e17c0d96a6C753995D86e891E07286858130)
ME-19┃Compensation DAO signer (0x35b3e718aAfd5F932450eeb8690D022a96AAd78a)
ME-20┃Configure and add RAI PriceFeed
ME-21┃Configure and add LUSD PriceFeed
ME-22 | Set RAI as collateral & collateral configuration
ME-23 | Set LUSD as collateral & collateral configuration
ME-24 | Claim the $SAFE airdrop
MP-15 | Configure and add CRV PriceFeed
MP-16 | Configure and add BAL PriceFeed
MP-17 | Configure and add AAVE PriceFeed
MP-18 | Configure and add LINK PriceFeed (REJECTED : Wrong Token)
MP-19 | Configure and add SUSHI PriceFeed
MP-20 | Configure and add LINK PriceFeed
MP-21 | Set CRV as collateral & collateral configuration
MP-22 | Set BAL as collateral & collateral configuration
MP-23 | Set AAVE as collateral & collateral configuration
MP-24 | Set LINK as collateral & collateral configuration
MP-25 | Set SUSHI as collateral & collateral configuration
Last updated 1 year ago