Provide MIMO-PAR liquidity on Balancer (Ethereum & Polygon PoS)
What is Balancer ?
Balancer is a decentralized financial network that seeks to provide liquidity to small- and micro-cap coins and returns for liquidity providers.
Balancer has several types of pools, check them out here, the 80MIMO/20PAR is a weighted pool.
Weighted pools can contain up to 8 tokens, with different distributions such as the classic 50/50 pool or 33/33/33 or 80/20 like our MIMO/PAR pool, which is made up of 80% MIMO and 20% PAR.
Unlike "classic" pools, Balancer allows to make different pool repartitions while reducing the risk of Impermanent loss.
Provide Liquidity on Balancer
You can deposit your MIMO and $PAR at 80-20% respectively over here for Ethereum and here for Polygon.
Once Liquidity deposited, you will receive BPT corresponding to your pool deposit, which is the proof of your deposit on Balancer.
Stake your Balancer Pool Token (BPT)
Now, you simply just need to stake your BPT on the MIMO mining page (in the Liquidity Providing section) and receive Liquidity Mining paid in MIMO.
Get rewarded
Just go to the MIMO mining page and press "claim MIMO Tokens".
Don't forget that you can stake & lock your MIMO for vMIMO by following this guide to obtain voting power on the protocol.
Last updated